Friday, January 12, 2007


Connor had his ear tubes put in this morning. Last night Brandon's Dad (Pops) stayed over with us so he could be here for Hudson today. We had to be at the surgery center at 6:30 this morning & it's a half hour ride so we thought it would be easier for him to stay her rather than get up before 5am to be here in time. When we arrived at the surgery center Connor was in a great mood. I changed him into his special "Lightning McQueen" PJ's and he played in the waiting room. They let us go in & prepare him for surgery. He took some meds that made him sleepy. He was still very cute telling all of the nurses "Hi" and "Thanks for coming". They loved him. He went with the nurses with no problem & didn't even cry. Brandon did, but not Connor! We sat in the waiting room for exactly 10 minutes. Then Dr. K came out & said it went well & we could see Connor in about 5 minutes. We went into recovery & he had big tears in his eyes. The nurse told us that all kids wake up crying. We were able to calm him down in about a minute. It was pretty cute how he kept falling over from the anesthesia. Then he told all of the nurses they did a great job, thanks for coming & good bye. We were home by 9am. Brandon made Connor's favorite pancakes & then even went back to work. Connor is doing great. I just put he & Hudson down for a nap. Thanks for all of the concern, advice & well wishes!