Thursday, August 23, 2007

Rebel without a cause

Connor was at school again today. I can't believe how much I miss him. I knew I would miss him, but I thought I would enjoy the alone time a little more. I actually laid down in his bed today for a while & cuddled with his favorite stuffed animal. When I dropped him off he put his lunch in his cubby, kissed me goodbye and like a good little conformist went to the table to play with puzzles. When I picked him up I watched him on the secret camera for a while. He was playing duck, duck, goose. He was actually sitting & waiting his turn. He gave teacher #2 a hug goodbye, which she seemed surprised by. She told me that at craft time he mixed the playdough and she didn't like that. Then she told my why they couldn't mix the playdough. Like she thinks I don't have 8 cans of "brown" playdough at my house. I told her that we let him mix the playdough. I thought she might fall over. I think I am going to have some fun messing with her this year.
When we went out to the car he said "Mom, I had a great day at school. I followed the rules."
So, part of me is happy to see Connor following the rules and part of me is a little sad. If you tell him this when he is 15 I will DENY it! I love his free spirit. Yes, it makes my job harder, but infinitely more fun. I can't imagine having a kid who just sat & played "nice" all the time. Connor keeps me on my toes and we always have fun together. But, I don't want the teacher to label him as a trouble maker. So, I am teaching him to conform. But, just between you and me... when he got up from his nap today we had craft time and you better believe we mixed the playdough.