Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Ragweed.... who knew?

I had my second round of allergy tests yesterday. Once she stuck me with the ragweed I knew something was up. It was itchy to say the least. At least I had the other 47 needles to keep my mind off of the itchiness. Then the ragweed spot started to grow... and grow. It was about 2 inches round when I left the office. She had to hold off on round three and she said it would be dangerous now that she saw my ragweed reaction. I get to go back in 2 weeks for 9 more needles.
Once I got home the spot got bigger. By dinner this is what it looked like:

By 9pm it had taken over the upper part of my arm. I will spare you the pictures. Brandon ran out to the pharmacy to see if there was anything I could take on top of the antihistamine the Dr. gave me. Nope. The pharmacist asked if we had an epi pen in case I had trouble breathing through the night. We have one, but needless to say I didn't sleep well. This morning it isn't quite as red & bumpy, but it did wrap around my arm. So, I will be staying away from ragweed.

I was also found to be allergic to molds & yeast. The nurse said that they would put me on a 3 month diet restriction of no yeast (bread & alcohol) and no mold (cheese). I asked her if she could just stick me with 49 more needles please. NO BREAD..... who can live like that? NO CHEESE? Shoot me now!