Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Halloween Part 3

Tonight we went Trick or Treating with Brett, Erin, Ryan & Olivia. Connor was a dinosaur, Hudson a cave man, Ryan a mummy and Olivia was Dorothy. The kids had a blast. I don't think Hudson was ever without a lolly pop. He must have thought I had gone crazy. Connor was so good. I told him he could only have one thing on the way home and he didn't complain at all. I put all of the candy out of sight after they went to bed and neither asked for it this morning. Not sure what I am going to do with all of that candy.

Connor kept singing the trick or treat song last night.. you know "trick or treat, smell my feet...". Only problem was that he changed the last line from "I'll pull down your underwear" to "I'll pull your underwear down". Same concept, but it sounds very different that way. People were cracking up! Everyone loved Ryan's home made mummy costume. And Olivia & Hudson stole the show with their cuteness.

Halloween Part 2

Yesterday was Connor's Halloween party at school. He wanted to wear his dinosaur costume, but I didn't think it was a good idea. He can't take it off by himself & that could make for a potty time disaster. So, I made him a cowboy. He cried a bunch in the morning and said he didn't want to wear it. I even had to sew a baseball cap into the cowboy hat to keep it on his head. But, when he got home from school he loved his costume so much that he wanted to leave it on for his nap. The teacher said it was a great school costume since he didn't need any help with it. Pops picked him up from school and said that Connor was the only boy still in his costume!

Halloween Part 1

Pumpkins, Pumpkins, Pumpkins.
On Sunday we had some friends over for a pumpkin carving party. Connor stuck his hand in the pumpkin & proceeded to puke. Guess he's not over that sensitivity to smell (& now touch).

I made a pumpkin cake for the adults and individual pumpkin shaped cupcakes for the kids. There is a reason I do not bake. It takes a ton of patience. That will probably be my last venture into the cake making business. Next year it's Hello Publix!

The Dad's seemed to be more into carving than the kids were. But the kids had a blast with the paint. Notice the lack of children in this picture.

Of course there was a pinata. No party is complete without one!

Looks like Ryan has done this before!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

They underestimate my sneakiness

I have been sneaking vegetable puree's into the kids food & drinks & it is working like a champ. I made the special brownie recipe with carrot & spinach puree. I did not like the brownies, but the kids ate them up! Then I put puree spinach into their juice. They had no idea! I am so sneaky!

I got this new book called Deceptively Delicious, by Jessica Seinfeld. So far I really like it. I haven't followed the recipes to word for word, but they have inspired me to try sneaking veggies into the kids food. I still make them eat veggies with dinner, but now I don't stress if it is only one bite. Point one for the MOM!

Sunday, October 14, 2007


Here is the coach of the other team putting Connor's shoe back on
Here is Connor hanging out in the other teams goal
(he is not the goalie)

Since only 3 kids showed up here was our fearsome team
Here is Connor trying to take off his new shirt

Here is Connor showing us that he is #9 (just like Daddy was)

Today was Connor's first soccer game. I am not sure why they make 3 year old's play games, but they do. 15 minutes before we leave for the game Brandon tells me we should bring a snack for the whole team. OK, I know I am new to this, but bring your own kid a snack. My kids snack usually consist of fruit, or organic, gluten free, wheat free, hydrogenated oil free cookies. They are actually very good. So, I did not have a snack ready. I packed some juice. At the game I was informed that since Brandon is the coach I am the team Mom. I really did not want this to happen, but it has. So, I am going to see if I can just bring the snack every week. I would rather spend the money then have Connor fed crap snacks every Sunday. It is bad enough what he eats at church. I have a feeling that the other Mom's wont like this, but I really don't want him eating cookies & chips. If he eats that crap every Sunday than my Mondays will be miserable!

Anyway...... They don't keep score at the game, but I am pretty sure the other team kicked our butts. I think we scored one goal and I am pretty sure they scored about twenty. Since only 3 of our team members showed up they had to rotate their players. Connor had fun and there was no crying! Grammy, Pop's, Justin, Erin & Erin, Ryan & Olivia all came out to see Connor at his first game. I have included some pictures of the highlights!

Friday, October 12, 2007

Hello Fall, for now...

Connor had a great day at school yesterday and I went to the gym with them this morning. I think I might have to take back what I said about Hudson. I actually worked out so much harder than usually because I was petrified that they would be out to get me any minute that I ended up burning 100 calories more than Wednesday on the elliptical. So, looks like Hudson is my new motivation.
It was 65 degrees when I woke up this morning. I was so excited I ran outside & jumped up and down screaming "yeah fall". Then I watched the weather & found out it will be 90 degrees next weekend.

Hudson's fault

So, yesterday the boys did great at the gym nursery. So great that I joined the gym. Then today after I dropped Connor off at school I went to take a class at the gym & 10 minutes into it they came to get me because he just would not calm down. So I am saying to you my dear son that if one day I get fat it is all your fault. Well, you & Mr. Ben & Mr. Jerry.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Super Star!

We had a great day yesterday. Connor went off to school with no crying. He even opened the door to the classroom himself and just about forgot to kiss me goodbye. Teacher number 2 even joked around with him when he was being silly.

While Connor was in school Hudson & I went to a local gym. I have been wanting to join a gym, but I need on with child care. I found a beautiful one, but imagine my surprise when I was told that I cost $200 a month! I think Brandon would rather I gain 20lbs. than spend $200 a month. Though I would probably spend more than that in clothes if I did. So, I had to keep doing the thing I hate more than anything... RESEARCH. Research sucks. Money may not be able to buy happiness, but it would eliminate research and that would make me happy. Luckily I live in a relatively small town and I hate to drive long distances for anything so my research was limited. I think I have found the place for me. It is a bit expensive, but I can switch to a cheap place when both kids are in preschool next year. So, this morning when they wake up it is off to the gym to try it out and see how the kids respond to their child care program. (fingers crossed)

Back to Connor..... When I picked him up I found out that he is the star student of the week! Yeah Connor. This basically means he gets to hold the flag during the pledge, be line leader and turn off the lights. He was very excited about this. We had soccer practice last night and there was no crying. There was bribing, but no crying. Then off to pizza buffet as usual on Tuesday's. No wonder I need the gym.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Friends and Family

Saturday morning Connor came home from Home Depot with Pops and he had made this cute fire truck / crayon holder. He just had to paint it immediately.

He took it to bed that night and to church the next day. He just couldn't understand why I wouldn't let him take the crayons to bed.

Saturday afternoon we headed over to Chuck E. Cheese with Brett, Erin, Ryan & Olivia. The kids always have a great time there. I have one friends who had a child later in life and actually smuggles wine into Chuck E. Cheese. They serve wine there (good idea), but she likes organic wine. No, we didn't drink wine.

Sunday it was off to church early for us as I got the privilege of being one of the communion servers for the first time. I was surprisingly nervous. I kept thinking I was going to go down the wrong aisle, or fall on the way back up the aisle or my suit would pop open and everyone would see my spanx (for all of the Oprah fans out there). Everything went fine. Connor loved Sunday School once again. He learned about passover this week. Seems out of place, but they are just going in order.
Before church Brandon taught Connor how to "shave"

After Church Justin & Erin came over to play. We had a yummy lunch and then it started to rain like crazy. So, we had to think of some stuff to do indoors. Justin taught Connor how to make fart noises with his hands (that's what Uncle's are for). Then we set up an obstacle course and Erin kicked all of our butts. The kids snuggled up with Uncle Justin & Aunt Erin for a cartoon before naps & Brandon & I got to read the Sunday paper in peace. Later that afternoon I went for a pedicure while Brandon played with the kids. Brandon went back to church to drive for the kids in a scavenger hunt so it was just me & they boys. We got out pillows, blankets, stuffed animals and a snack and watched a movie together. Connor said we were having a sleep over party. What a great weekend. I even remembered to take a couple of pictures.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

The Results Are In

I went to the allergist today. He said even after that crazy dose of antibiotics the CT Scan hadn't changed. He said just looking at the scan he would like to do surgery & clean out my sinuses. But, then he said he doesn't treat Ct scans he treats patients and asked what I thought. I am not up for surgery right now. I would need 5-7 days of recovery and that isn't possible with a 1 and 3 year old. So, we are going to start allergy shots, & do some drug therapy. Then in the end of December we will see how I feel and talk again about surgery. I guess the infection has completely blocked 2 of my sinus cavities. That's enough discussion about my cavities.
It rained ALL day yesterday. The poor boys have cabin fever. Pops came over this morning and took Connor to Home Depot for their kids project. Last night Grammy & Pops came over to watch the kids so we could go out to dinner. We went to Steak In The City. Don't Go! It was OK. It was WAY cheaper than Texas De' Brazil, but it wasn't even close in quality. We are not very picky, but if you are even a little picky you will not like it. It was clean and the staff was nice and the place is nice in the inside, but the food quality was not great. If you have friends in town who need a Kosher menu, they have one. But, other than that i wasn't impressed. After dinner we went to Friendlies for ice cream sundae's. I haven't done that in years! Then it was off to the bookstore. I could spend hours and thousands of dollars in the bookstore. We found some fun books for the kids and didn't buy one. I have been so good lately about going to the library for books. It really makes sense. The kids get hooked on a book for a couple of weeks & then it is forgotten. I have got to be saving hundreds of dollars a year by using the library.
We don't really have much planned this weekend. Hopefully I will take some pictures of the kids and hopefully it wont rain all weekend.

Thursday, October 4, 2007


Connor went to school with no crying today and no bribe. Yeah.

Hudson & I headed out in search of new shoes and ended up getting some awesome deals. I got him New Balance sneakers for $7. Not to mention the other 10 things that magically made their way into my cart.

Pops picked up Connor from school and took him out for ice cream and to the park. Connor had a GREAT day at school. He even got to take a prize from the toy bin. Only the kids who have listened all day long get a prize. This was his first one. His weekly report was great as well. I am so proud of the little guy.

FYI, I received 11 more catalogues yesterday and 4 today. How many catalogues are there? I must catalogue shop too much. That might be a good thing to give up for lent next year. No catalogue / Internet shopping. I can see myself now asking Erin and Katina to order me stuff.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007


Today we headed out to the library for story time. Hudson wanted nothing to do with it. He cried anytime the lady read. Then he would be happy during song and dance time. Connor loved it. Luckily he is OK being on his own, as Hudson and I had to leave the room for the stories.

Then it was off to the fancy grocery store for some Flax seed. We are looking to up our Omega 3 intake and think this will be a good way. Wow... that just made me feel old. In fact... I can't write anymore....

Much Better

Last night was soccer practice number two. It went much better than soccer practice number one. Connor handled the ball well and was the fastest runner. However out of the 11 kids on roster, only 4 showed up. He was doing great in the scrimmage (if you don't count picking up the ball every once in a while) Towards the end he started the crying thing, but not for very long. I think it may also have something to do with hunger / exhaustion setting in.

There is one thing about soccer (any sport really) that I already don't like. But I will just have to get used to it. That is practice is at 5:30. Which means we have to leave before 5pm and don't get home until 7pm. Do I feed the boys at 4 and worry about Connor being able to play on a full stomach or do I wait until 7 and feed him right before bed time? I hate this part! Next year wont be so bad as the soccer field will be 2 minutes away instead of 1/2 hour. Plus I think practice is later. Either way, we are the kind of family who eats dinner together 99% of the time. It feels weird to eat without Brandon home. So, I feed them a snack on the way to practice. Which goes against my new no food in the car rule. (lasted all of 13 days) Then we go out for pizza after practice. We can all eat for $11 and it is about a mile away from the field. Plus they have a salad bar (if the boys ever eat salad).

Today we are headed to the library for story time. Hopefully Hudson will be more cooperative than last time.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

12 Catalogues of Christmas

I got the mail yesterday and there were 12 catalogues from various companies. Wow... I guess the Christmas season now starts before Halloween. So, like any other red blooded American I started Christmas shopping today. Connor was at school and Hudson doesn't know any better yet so I picked up a couple of things that I know Connor wants. I think we are buying him a motorcycle (dirt bike) for Christmas so I don't want to over do it with other stuff. Well, maybe just a little.
He went to school this morning with no crying. Of course I did bribe him with the promise of a new Land Before Time movie. It worked... don't judge me.
Tonight is soccer practice and Sunday is our first game. Wish us luck.....

Monday, October 1, 2007

Random & Quick

Hudson's favorite thing to do while my back is turned.. climb into the sink and brush his teeth.
Connor thought it looked like fun...
Don't you hate it when you get stuck in a BBQ

Another week of slacking. So, here is the quick wrap up!

Sunday- Ryan's birthday party. Lot's of fun. Erin can really throw a party!

Monday - Major migraine hit at 4pm. Brandon came home to wife puking & laying on bathroom floor. He got husband of the year award. Took kids, dinner, play, bath, bed all while I puked & slept (not at the same time)

Tuesday - School & Soccer (see last post)

Wednesday - Allergist for more tests. Advice... stay away from grass and trees.... should be easy!

Thursday - School for Connor. Brandon & I took Hudson out for breakfast. Took boys to the park to play with kids from school.

Friday - 2ND Cat Scan for sinus infection. Will get results this Friday.

Saturday - 5K..... way easier than I thought it would be. Lots of fun talking with the other gals. Then went to breakfast and consumed 10x the calories I just burned.

Sunday - Church, swimming & took kids out to dinner. We went to Sweet Tomatoes. Connor loved it. He even ate Chili!!!

I am going to try much harder this week to keep better notes & take some pictures!