Monday, October 8, 2007

Friends and Family

Saturday morning Connor came home from Home Depot with Pops and he had made this cute fire truck / crayon holder. He just had to paint it immediately.

He took it to bed that night and to church the next day. He just couldn't understand why I wouldn't let him take the crayons to bed.

Saturday afternoon we headed over to Chuck E. Cheese with Brett, Erin, Ryan & Olivia. The kids always have a great time there. I have one friends who had a child later in life and actually smuggles wine into Chuck E. Cheese. They serve wine there (good idea), but she likes organic wine. No, we didn't drink wine.

Sunday it was off to church early for us as I got the privilege of being one of the communion servers for the first time. I was surprisingly nervous. I kept thinking I was going to go down the wrong aisle, or fall on the way back up the aisle or my suit would pop open and everyone would see my spanx (for all of the Oprah fans out there). Everything went fine. Connor loved Sunday School once again. He learned about passover this week. Seems out of place, but they are just going in order.
Before church Brandon taught Connor how to "shave"

After Church Justin & Erin came over to play. We had a yummy lunch and then it started to rain like crazy. So, we had to think of some stuff to do indoors. Justin taught Connor how to make fart noises with his hands (that's what Uncle's are for). Then we set up an obstacle course and Erin kicked all of our butts. The kids snuggled up with Uncle Justin & Aunt Erin for a cartoon before naps & Brandon & I got to read the Sunday paper in peace. Later that afternoon I went for a pedicure while Brandon played with the kids. Brandon went back to church to drive for the kids in a scavenger hunt so it was just me & they boys. We got out pillows, blankets, stuffed animals and a snack and watched a movie together. Connor said we were having a sleep over party. What a great weekend. I even remembered to take a couple of pictures.