Friday, December 21, 2007

Ice, Ice, Baby

Today we all went over to the see ICE. It is a display made of over 2 million pounds of ice. There were 5 or 6 different rooms to walk through. There was a complete nativity scene. There was a train and even a room with 2 ice slides. Connor loved the slides. Hudson wasn't so sure. The man at the top of the slide actually put Hudson on his back & gave him a little push down the slide. It was pretty funny. We all had to wear these big blue parkas. It is only 9 degrees in there. Considering it was 75 out today, we were pretty cold. Poor Hudson just kept saying 'I cold". It was his first time ever really bundled up.

The first thing they told us was '"Do not lick the ice", the first thing Connor did was lick the ice. His tongue did not stick.