Wednesday, January 30, 2008


I know, I know it has been 10 days since I posted. Puke fest 08' took a lot out of me. Then Brandon got a runny nose, then Connor, then me, now Hudson. Brandon is at the end of his & Hudson's just began yesterday. So, I have been grabbing every free minute to recuperate. Oh, and clean toys. But, I have been taking that Zicam stuff & maybe it is just in my head, but I think it is working.

Let's see. What have we been up to?

Hudson is speaking in complete sentences about 1/2 the time. It is pretty cool. He says things like "more chocolate please" and "I made stinky poop". My favorite word he says his maraca. I love it because he actually pronounces it mah-kah-rah-kah. He shows some interest in the potty and I think we are going to start potty training earlier than I thought. We will probably start in may or June. I can barely imagine being done with diapers. A taste of freedom like that may squash that urge to have a 3rd baby. He can say his ABC's and count to 20 (he leaves out 4 & 14). He is also singing Happy Birthday.

Connor is doing great at school. Still switching hands when he writes. Who knows when we will be able to tell if he is left handed or right handed. He eats, writes & plays with both hands. We had to buy him left-handed & right-handed baseball mitts. He will actually stop half way through writing a letter & switch hands. Maybe he will be ambidextrous. He is counting to 100 and writing his name on his own. He is trying new foods and learning to control his gag reflex. Not to jinx anything, but we have had a solid week of good dinners.

Brandon is busy again at work. He is in the process of building me new shelves for the playroom. (thank you!) Plus, he is only a few pounds away from his high school weight. Impressive!

I think I have finally found a punishment that works for Hudson. The kid could care less about a spanking. I put a chair in the middle of the kitchen & made him sit there until a timer goes off. He is not a fan of time out.

Well, maybe it's not so bad.

Doesn't everyone take pictures of their kids while they are in time out?

On Saturday Connor & Brandon went to the monster truck show.

They had a blast. They didn't get home until midnight. That is way past Connor's bedtime (mine too!) Connor wore his head phone to drown out some of the noise. Brandon said he left them on the whole time.

Hudson tried on the head phones as he was sure he was going to Monster Jam with the boys. He has been saying "I'm going to Monster Truck Mash" for weeks. He has been telling everyone he sees. Poor kid was devastated when Brandon & Connor left. Luckily Katina & Erin came over with Ella & Olivia for dinner. They provided a distraction for the little guy.

I made the kids chocolate covered strawberries for dessert. Here is Olivia, the ever dainty, clean little girl that she is. Just one little dab of chocolate on her mouth.

Then there's Ella. Not quite as clean.

And then there's Hudson. He's such a boy!