Friday, March 20, 2009

Birthday Party

For Connor's 3rd birthday we just had a family party and that was the plan for Hudson as well. However, Hudson witnessed Connor's last birthday party and let's just say he has a good memory. So, he wanted to invite some friends. We tried to keep it as small as possible as we just moved into this rental and do not really have a back yard here. So, we had some friends (& family) over and grilled and had a great time. The only bad part will be described in more detail in another blog.

No one was making Star Wars cakes, so I had to order this sugar overlay from the Internet and have Publix make a blue cake. (I really love you Hudson)
Too cute!I love Hudson's expression in this one!Present time! He got spoiled!
We told all the kids to bring their bikes & scooters and anything else on wheels!Mindy told me she was going to make Hudson a "cupcake"It was bigger than his head!