Thursday, March 27, 2008

Elders meeting

Last night I went to an Elders meeting. At the end of the meeting one of the Elders said that she could not leave without saying on record how moved she was by our last supper service. Then her eyes filled with tears and she told us all how moving it was and how it set her in the right frame of mind for Good Friday. She could barely contain herself.

When I served as a Deacon I got to help people one on one. Phone calls, meals, that sort of thing. Being an Elder is much different as I get to help out with big projects that concern the entire congregation. It felt so good to know what an impact our service had on her life. Who knew helping people felt so good? I only wish that Brandon and the other men who took part in the service could have seen the look on her face and heard her words of praise and gratitude.