Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The kindness of strangers

I posted an ad on Craigslist with the story of what happened to my phone. I got over 10 responses from people who wanted to sell me their old phone. I got one for $15 (with a car charger). Don't you just love the kindness of strangers.

So, I sent out an e-mail asking everyone to update me with their numbers since I never write anything down. Some of your questions and comments had me laughing. I just wanted to address a few here:

No, Tom, I do not have a Zoolander size phone.
Justin, the toilet is still working.
For the 25 of you that thought it was "cute", I have no comment.
Shelley, I'm glad you got a laugh. Lord knows your son supplied me with plenty over the years.

I had a talk with Hudson about what does and does not go into the potty! Hopefully he understands. Fingers crossed!