Saturday, August 2, 2008

Birthday week begins!

So, I was wondering the other day how old I will have to be before I stop getting excited about my birthday. I'll be 33 on Wednesday and I still like having birthday's. Brandon and I went out to my favorite restaurant last night and it was soooo yummy! But, I still have to stick by my rule of blowing out candles on my actual birthday. I make sure everyone of us has a candle to blow out on our birthday. I have this weird superstition that the only way your wish will come true is if you actually make it on you birthday. Weird, yes I know. I can remember making an old friend drive me to a diner at 11:30 pm once to get a piece of cake because it was my birthday and I hadn't made my wish yet. This year i have a meeting at church on my actual birthday but you can be sure I will blow out a candle and have a piece of cake when I get home!

My birthday roses... a little early!