Monday, August 4, 2008


Last night Brandon's older brother Damon and his wife Kim came into town with their kids, Tucker (8) and Rebekah (3 next week). They come to visit from Texas once a year and we try to soak up as much time with them as we can while they are here. We all wish we could just convince them to move to Florida, but we don't see that happening any time soon. So, for now we will spend every spare second we can with them while they are here! So, for my side of the family this weeks blogs will probably be mostly about our adorable niece and nephew and we will get back to Connor & Hudson's world when they leave town. But you can't argue, they sure are cute!

Those eyes!!

Last year it took Rebekah a few days to warm up and this time it took just minutes!

Last year Tucker wore a life jacket most of the time in the pool and this year the kids is doing flips!

I think Tucker is going to be good for Connor's confidence in the pool. Last night he swam unassisted the entire time.

We will probably see a lot of monkey-see, monkey-do this week

I sometimes forget how large Hudson is, then I realized that Rebekah is 7 months older...

Rebekah shared her grapes with Hudson. Hudson did not return the favor. When she asked him for one of his grapes he growled at her and said "I'm not sharing!". Which is what Brandon tells me anytime I ask for a bite of his food.

Hudson & Uncle Damon

Tucker being a goof ball!

If you want to meet the nicest kid in the world look no further! Tucker just has sweetness pouring out of him. I have never seen the kid do anything mean or malicious. He is so loving and just plain nice. Even though he is 4 years older than Connor he plays with him the whole time and never makes him feel like a baby. He is such an awesome kid!!!