Friday, April 10, 2009

What's going on....

So here's how the past couple of weeks have gone.....the condensed version of course....

Brandon took Connor to a party at Birthday World...FUN

Rehearsal for The Last Supper on Maundy Thursday

Maxwell & Mindy had us over for dinner...always a good time

2 dear church members both VERY young died of cancer within a year of diagnosis. Still seems unreal.

We have spent time at the local park / beach in the neighborhood, but it really deserves it's own post and will get one.

Boys both got sick. As usually Hudson got well first. That kids immune system is awesome!

Had Max over for an afternoon of coloring Easter Eggs with the boys. It was his first time over someones house without his parents.

We got Tara & John's reception site booked for their wedding. They have asked me to act as their wedding planner. LOVE THEM!

Hudson is 39 1/2" and 38lbs.

Took the boys to watch Tara in a Crew race vs. Duke. UCF swept the entire meet! Go Knights!!

Went to a fun wedding at the Hard Rock Hotel.

Boys sang at church on Palm Sunday (this will also have its own post complete with video)

Took the boys to an Easter Egg hunt (another post coming soon)

Oh, still looking for a house. Kind of getting frustrated, but we are still loving this neighborhood. I watched the elementary school at release time the other day and over 100 kids came out and got onto bikes to ride home!! They were adorable. I wonder if anyone will think it's weird when Connor's little brother rides his bike to pick him up in Kindergarten?

Now Brandon wants a boat. I would like a house first, but I have a feeling a boat will be easier to find!