On Sunday my cousin Joe came over to visit with the family. So, the boys washed the car....
(and Daddy)
And, they vacuumed...
I hate that most of my family doesn't get to see my boys grow up, so when someone come to visit I really enjoy watching them with the boys. Well, Joe may have been the most fun to watch. Usually the kids gravitate to Brandon when he is home. Brandon had to go help a neighbor for about an hour and a half so that left the kids with me & Joe. Well, it only took Connor about 5 minutes to realize "Joe is Fun" (his words). Joe played like a big kid. He really reminded me of Brandon. Which is a pretty big compliment since I think Brandon is an awesome Dad. Connor & Joe built sand castles & he didn't even mind when I handed Hudson a juice while he was on his shoulders.
As we were pulling away from dropping Joe back at his rental house Connor said "I had a great time with Joe".