Monday, July 23, 2007


Our weekend in review:

I spent most of the week with a migraine so, Brandon came home on Friday with beautiful flowers for me to make me feel better. They are beautiful!

We went and watched our friend Amelia in her first crew race. The boys had a blast in the lake and we were very proud of Amelia. I forgot the camera as usual!

Went to our friends Pam & Scott's for a cookout. They have an adorable daughter named Anna who is 5. During lunch i heard Connor ask her if she was his girlfriend. They spent most of the day jumping in and out of the pool. Then they sat together & watched a movie.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

3 year check up

Today Connor had his 3 year old check up. He weighed 34 lbs and is 38 3/4 inches tall. He is in the 75% for height & weight. He got to pee in a cup for the first time. He thought that was pretty cool. He also got his blood pressure taken for the first time. He received a Dr. kit for his birthday so he was pretty familiar with the cuff. But since his exam we have played Dr. non- stop!
We found out that Connor has flat feet so I am currently looking for shoes with high arches... any advice?

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Some cute stuff

Hudson has decided he wants to poop in the potty. The other night Brandon got into the shower & was calling for the boys, I was getting their PJ's ready. I came into the bathroom to see why he was still calling for Hudson. Well, the little guy was standing in the toilet with his diaper on and he was pooping. He knew where to poop he just didn't quite get it right. He has gone in the potty 4 times this week.

Whenever Connor sees a streak of smoke in the sky he thinks superman has just flown by. We will be driving & all of a sudden he screams "look we just missed superman!".

They have been playing together more and more lately. I love it! Here they are wrestling.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Disney Magic

The Tuesday after Connor's birthday we took him to Disney for the day. Thanks to a friend of a friend we got in for a discounted price and were handed 4 tickets. We were able to fast pass 2 rides per hour. That meant that we rode every ride we wanted to in about 5 hours. We waited about a total of 45 minutes all day long! When we first got to Disney we went to the town hall & told them it was Connor's birthday. They gave him a button with his name on it that said "It's my Birthday". Every employee told him "Happy Birthday Connor!". He got a free cookie and had a great day.

The family fun parade passed right in front of us, so we joined the back of the parade. Connor thought it was pretty cool to be in the parade.

While leaving the magic kingdom Connor could hear some race cars coming from the Wide World of Sports. They were coming from the Richard Petty driving school. We took a chance and drove over to the track. They let us drive into the middle of the track. Next thing we know the head instructor came up to Connor & asked him if he would like to have a closer look. Connor went with him onto the track & then the guy let him get into the Home Depot car. What a great experience for the little guy!

Monday, July 9, 2007


Last night after riding his new razor scooter like a pro Connor ran after the soccer ball and fell in the street. Luckily he still had his helmet on. He bruised both knees & broke blood vessels in his forehead & nose. It could have been so much worse. Here is the little guy being brave with ice on his knees.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

The birthday that never ends

This morning at church Connor got more gifts from friends. He got some cool new books and a huge remote control crane. Brandon has not stopped playing with the crane since.

This evening we had Paul, Marci, Colin & Lyndsey over for dinner. Colin is one day older than Connor & Lyndsey is 1 month younger than Hudson. Marci & I have spent all of our pregnant time together! We made our "famous" ribs and the boys got special cupcakes to sing happy birthday yet again!

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Happy Birthday Connor!

Today is Connor's 3rd birthday. Wow! I know all of you parents understand what I mean. The times has flown by. I can hardly believe what the little boy has learned to do over the past year. This year he has learned to:

ride a 2 wheeler with no training wheels
float in the water for 10 seconds
swim about 20ft.
use the bathroom on his own
try new foods
ride a scooter
put away all of his own laundry
Say please & thank you without being told
Get undressed all by himself
pick out his own clothes (mostly)
put on his own shoes
fasten his own car seat

Heck, this past 6 months Connor has really learned how to talk. He sings all the time. His favorite song to sing is the theme from the old Smokey & The Bandit movie (Brandon's influence) know "we've got a long way to go & a short time to get there..."

I beam with pride whenever I think about Connor. His physical ability is amazing. I have always been a klutz and I am so happy to see that he has overcome my genes. But even without the physical he is a great kid. He is smart and sensitive. He never gives up. When Connor is determined to learn how to do something you better believe he is going to. He loves to do things by himself.

I made him a special birthday shirt & hat to wear today.

This morning Justin & Erin took Connor to Chuck E. Cheese & then out for ice cream. Then he got to open their gift. They got him a huge tool set which of course he loved. His favorite part was the measuring tape.

After lunch he got to open his gift from Uncle Damon, Aunt Kim, Tucker & Rebekah. They got him a pack of DVDs called Hart Had Harry. If you have a little boy I highly recommend them. We have already watched the monster truck one more times than I care to admit.

We let him choose what he wanted for lunch & dinner. So, we ate pizza for 2 meals that day. When he woke up from his nap Brandon took him on a bike ride. We weren't going to have a party, but I did let him pick out his own cake. We had invited some family & neighbors over & then he asked if Ryan could come over too. So this non-party ended up being pretty big. Everyone showed up while he was on his bike ride. When he walked in the door we all screamed "surprise!". He was so confused at first. As soon as he saw the table full of gifts he said "where are my trucks?". He got spoiled of course. Some of his favorites were a garbage truck, roller blades, a scooter, a matchbox blimp, and dinosaur mountain.

He wanted to get on his roller blades right away. Let's just say it will probably be a while before he masters them, but I am sure he will! He had a great birthday.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007


This morning we got up an had pancakes....surprise, surprise! We took the kids up to the club to swim for a while & then in the evening we headed over to Freddy & Katina's new home. They just bought a beautiful house in their dream community. Brett, Erin & their kids were there as well. It was so good to get together with our old neighbors. We all had a BBQ together & then watched fireworks from their back porch. We left early as Hudson was getting tired & cranky. On the way home there werefireworks going off on each side of the highway. It was so cool. Connor loved it. Again I forgot my camera!

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

3rd of july

Today we headed over to Chuck E. Cheese with Erin, Ryan & Olivia. We had a blast as usual. The kids were climbing the walls so I was glad Erin suggested we get out of the house. The older boys played great together. As far as Hudson & Olivia...well...They are too cute for words. They were riding a firetruck ride together and having a hard time taking turns at the wheel. I told Hudson it was Liv's (Olivia) turn & he had to put his arm on the truck. Then we told Liv it was Hudson's turn & without being told she put her arm around Hudson & rested it on his shoulder. It was so cute watching the two of them. She continued to do this every time it was his turn to drive.

Later that evening we headed over to some friends for a pre 4th of July BBQ. We only stayed a while as it was late but that didn't stop us from having a good time. Brandon & Connor had a blast in the pool. It is always fun to take Connor swimming around new people as they are usually pretty impressed with his ability.

Again no pictures. I really need to get better at bringing my camera along!

Monday, July 2, 2007

Great weekend

On Saturday we got up early & Brandon made breakfast for the family. Pancakes & waffles. Why are pancakes the husband thing to make? My Dad always made the pancakes when I was a kid too. We headed over to Monkey Joe's for Owen's birthday party. Owen is Freddy & Katina's son. They were our old next door neighbors. We met Owen when he was 3 days old and have loved him ever since. I used to get to watch Owen when Katina would have a Dr.'s appointment. And to say that Owen & Brandon have always had a special bond is a true understatement. Brandon has always loved that kid. Owen would wait by the window & when he would see Brandon's car come home from work he would run & tell his Mom. Then the 2 of them would play together almost every night. I truly think that the only reason Brandon agreed to move out of our old neighborhood was that Owen was leaving too. I can't believe he is 5 and ready to head to kindergarten. Katina... stop crying! We had a great time at the party.

Saturday night Brandon's parents came over to babysit & we headed out for the evening. We went to Season's 52 for dinner. They change their menu depending on the what food is in season. Every entree on the menu is under 450 calories & sooo good. Later we headed to White House Black Market (my favorite clothing store). I had a 30% off coupon & couldn't let it go to waste. Brandon slept in a changing room while I tried on clothes. I got 2 dresses & some other stuff. Then it was time for the toy store to buy Connor's birthday gifts. We had so much fun shopping for him. I will post pics of all the gifts after his birthday.

On Sunday we went to church & then headed over to our friends Brian & Michelle's house. We really like Brain & Michelle but we just never seem to get together. Brandon has known Brian since high school, but now that we all have kids we have really bonded. They have 2 adorable daughters. Morgan is 2 months younger than Connor & Madison is 8 months younger than Hudson. They are great parents. It is hard to find couples whose parenting style really matches with your own, so when it does it is exciting. We went to the pool in their community. It was beautiful. Connor swam about 25ft across the pool. Then he jumped in, swam to Brandon, rolled over onto his back floated for a count of 10, and rolled back over and swam back to the wall. Even we were amazed! He has come so far since swim lessons. He told us on the way home that he is a fish! After the pool we headed back to Brain & Michelle's for a great lunch. The kids played so nice together. We headed home & all 4 of us took a nap. We were beat! I can't remember the last time we all took a 2 hour nap, but it felt good!

Can you believe we had such a great weekend and I didn't take one picture or 1 minute of video. We are going to get lots of video this week as Connor is going to turn 3 on Saturday and we want to be able to say he did all of this cool stuff before he turned 3!