Saturday, July 7, 2007

Happy Birthday Connor!

Today is Connor's 3rd birthday. Wow! I know all of you parents understand what I mean. The times has flown by. I can hardly believe what the little boy has learned to do over the past year. This year he has learned to:

ride a 2 wheeler with no training wheels
float in the water for 10 seconds
swim about 20ft.
use the bathroom on his own
try new foods
ride a scooter
put away all of his own laundry
Say please & thank you without being told
Get undressed all by himself
pick out his own clothes (mostly)
put on his own shoes
fasten his own car seat

Heck, this past 6 months Connor has really learned how to talk. He sings all the time. His favorite song to sing is the theme from the old Smokey & The Bandit movie (Brandon's influence) know "we've got a long way to go & a short time to get there..."

I beam with pride whenever I think about Connor. His physical ability is amazing. I have always been a klutz and I am so happy to see that he has overcome my genes. But even without the physical he is a great kid. He is smart and sensitive. He never gives up. When Connor is determined to learn how to do something you better believe he is going to. He loves to do things by himself.

I made him a special birthday shirt & hat to wear today.

This morning Justin & Erin took Connor to Chuck E. Cheese & then out for ice cream. Then he got to open their gift. They got him a huge tool set which of course he loved. His favorite part was the measuring tape.

After lunch he got to open his gift from Uncle Damon, Aunt Kim, Tucker & Rebekah. They got him a pack of DVDs called Hart Had Harry. If you have a little boy I highly recommend them. We have already watched the monster truck one more times than I care to admit.

We let him choose what he wanted for lunch & dinner. So, we ate pizza for 2 meals that day. When he woke up from his nap Brandon took him on a bike ride. We weren't going to have a party, but I did let him pick out his own cake. We had invited some family & neighbors over & then he asked if Ryan could come over too. So this non-party ended up being pretty big. Everyone showed up while he was on his bike ride. When he walked in the door we all screamed "surprise!". He was so confused at first. As soon as he saw the table full of gifts he said "where are my trucks?". He got spoiled of course. Some of his favorites were a garbage truck, roller blades, a scooter, a matchbox blimp, and dinosaur mountain.

He wanted to get on his roller blades right away. Let's just say it will probably be a while before he masters them, but I am sure he will! He had a great birthday.