Friday, August 27, 2010


I think I figured out the cause behind Hudson's "extra energy" issues!
Actually it is filled with water! It's a little trick I play on myself so I will drink more water. For some reason I drink more when it is in a coffee type cup rather than a sports cup. Hudson just thinks it's funny to pretend he is drinking coffee.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Mom's restaurant & The "S" word!!

I am going to write current blog posts while peppering in the rest of the old summer ones. This one is in it happened an hour ago!

For the past 2 weeks when they boys get home from school the first thing they do is hop up to the counter that separates the kitchen & dining room. It is in the dining room, but looks into the kitchen. They eat breakfast there while I pack lunches, they eat lunch there in the summer and now they eat their after school snack there. They call it Mom's Restaurant. They hop onto the bar stools and I put on a fake accent and pretend I don't know them. Then I proceed to take their order. They crack up when I get to them part where I say (In my best southern accent) "You boys from around here?".

After school they sit at Mom's restaurant and tell me all about their day. Sometimes I have to ask a bunch of questions to get any info and some days the details just spill out. Today's conversation started out rough. But once I got Connor rolling he started telling story after story in his "Connor Way". Here is the most memorable from today...

Me: Was everyone nice to each other at school today? (my Mom way of asking if anyone is picking on him)

Connor: Well, everyone except "A" (no need to name names, as I have no idea who reads this)

Me: What happened?

Connor: "A" called Zack (I can use his name, he's the victim after all) a bad word.

Me: What word?

Connor : I don't want to say

Me: It's OK, you aren't really saying it, you are just telling me a story. Plus I asked, so it's OK this one time.

Connor: It's a grown-up word

Me: What word?

Connor: I don't want to say

Me: Just say it

Connor: It's the "s" word

I took a deep breath and thought "YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!!! IN KINDERGARTEN!!! I HAVE KEPT MY LANGUAGE CLEAN FOR SIX F*&^ING YEARS!!!" Which , for an Italian kid from the Bronx was not an easy task.

Me: It's OK buddy just tell Mom what the word was so we can talk about it.

Connor: Stupid. He called Zack stupid Mom. Why are you laughing Mom?

Me: I love you buddy. You are right, that is a grown ups word.

Connor: Can I have another graham cracker?

The conversation continued to how calling people names hurts their feelings. But the real lesson for today is to get all of the information before you jump to conclusions. Especially when your information is coming from a six year old!

Back in action!

When we last left the Woods' they were super busy, filled with activities and Mom was going crazy due to the lack of daily routine. We now join our hero's back to school, with a daily schedule to rely on, karate ending (for a 2 month break) this weekend, soccer not starting for 3 weeks and swim team over for the summer. House back to its usual clean state and Mom with 12 hours a week to keep up with things. Can you hear the trumpets?....the birds singing? SCHOOL STARTED!!! Don't get me wrong, I have fun with the kids. We sing, we dance, we make each other laugh. It's just that...well...I HATE SUMMER!!!! There, I said it. There isn't enough scheduled activity during the day. I spend all day trying to "keep them busy". Which means I get NOTHING done...NOTHING. I start a project and 5 minutes in someone needs something. A drink, a snack, a spanking...oops! Plus the boys are together 24/7 so let's just say they get on each other's nerves. We did have lots of scheduled activities in the evening. Swim team on Monday and Wednesday. Karate on Tuesday and Friday. Swim meets on Saturday's. Hockey on Sunday's. We would get home late, wake up late and that's another thing that throws me off. I like getting up in the morning, early, with an alarm clock and a mission. I am so much more productive when I have a set amount of time to get things done. I thrive on a schedule. So, now that the kids are back at school the house is running like a well oiled machine!
Hopefully that will mean I can catch up on writing. I have lots of fun pictures to share from the summer. Here are some from our recent trip to Mt. Dora.

Great, now only 15 more blogs until I am up to date!

Monday, August 2, 2010

I want to blog

I want to blog. No, really, I DO! Brandon's brother Damon has been in town for the past 9 days so I have hundreds of pictures to go through and lots of fun stuff to share. However, the mountain of papers on my desk need to come first. That and the totally neglected house, the broken ice maker, the kids school supply list, ect, etc etc....
Connor starts kindergarten in 2 weeks and Hudson starts preK in 3 weeks. I plan on spending the morning Hudson starts doing nothing but blogging. I may sneak in a blog or 2 between now & then, but I will be back to my regular schedule once I have a quiet moment to myself.