Dear Hudson,
Happy 5th Birthday! Wow, that felt weird. How can you possibly be 5? I’m not one of those Moms’s who cries at your milestones. I am usually happy that you have reached the next level. But, you turning 5 is the first time I really wanted to freeze time. Next month we will register you for kindergarten. You are so excited to head to elementary school. Mostly you are excited to ride the school bus.
This past year you were on swim team, started playing soccer and taking hockey lessons. Your best sport is probably swimming. You are a natural. You love playing soccer and you get to play with Olivia.
Happy 5th Birthday! Wow, that felt weird. How can you possibly be 5? I’m not one of those Moms’s who cries at your milestones. I am usually happy that you have reached the next level. But, you turning 5 is the first time I really wanted to freeze time. Next month we will register you for kindergarten. You are so excited to head to elementary school. Mostly you are excited to ride the school bus.
This past year you were on swim team, started playing soccer and taking hockey lessons. Your best sport is probably swimming. You are a natural. You love playing soccer and you get to play with Olivia.

You have learned to read. While you still get nervous with the big words, you are reading books and writing words. You have really taken to math. You love to add. Most nights you ask for math homework instead of practicing your handwriting….which you hate doing! You have been having a great year at school. You love your teacher and are very popular in class. All the other Moms tell me how much their kids talk about you. You are very smart and are a natural problem solver.

Last year I called you charming. There has definitely been no change in that category. You still have the ability to charm everyone you meet. You can be one of the sweetest most thoughtful kids I have ever met. You are always asking for 2 of everything so you can share with Connor. Sometimes your charm and luck isn’t such a good thing. Things some so easy to you that you haven’t really learned to try very hard. This has become somewhat of an issue lately. We are working on getting you to try your best all the time.

One of your favorite things to do is cook. You help me prepare every meal. You like to taste everything. You like to watch cooking shows. You even asked for an Easy Bake oven for your birthday. Thank goodness they started making it in blue! We all like to talk about you being a famous chef one day.

Daddy and I are so proud of the little man you are becoming. We love you so much!
Love, Mom