Monday, January 26, 2009

4 hour time out

Last Tuesday was supposed to be Hudson's first music class. He is in the same class as Olivia. Connor has been in music class for a few months now and I thought Hudson would really love it too. I signed him up and told him about it. He said "no thank you". I know, very polite! The night before class I told him about it again and got the same response. When we got to class he threw a fit and screamed and refused to go to music class. I got so mad. I do not have much experience with fits. I think Connor threw one when he was 18 months old and that was it. But one thing I can not stand is when you see a 4, 5 or 6 year old (or older) throw them selves on the ground uncontrollably. So, I decided to make his punishment severe so he would not soon forget it. We left right away and he went straight to his bed. Stayed there for 2 hours. Then I turned off his light and he took a nap. Then dinner, then back to his room. He was allowed to come out for 15 minutes to play before bedtime. Someone told me that was dumb since he wouldn't even remember why he was in there after 2 minutes. Well, I went in there often to remind him why he was in there. Then that night I made him call the music teacher to apologize for his behavior. I know lots of people would say "well he's only2". But then next year do I say "he's only 3, he's only 4, etc." No, I need to stop it NOW. Hudson, I love you too much to let you be a brat!
Since that punishment he has been sooo good. On Wednesday he said something about not wanting to go to school and I said "do you want to go to school or stay in your bed all day" he said "I want to go to school" and that was the end of the conversation. He knows I mean business. This past Tuesday he couldn't wait to try again at music class. He kissed me goodbye, took off his shoes and sat down like a good boy. The teacher said she did not have any trouble out of him at all! He loved music class. He can't wait to go again. I am a big fan of making our kids try things. Making them step out of their comfort zone. Brandon always uses the example of swimming. All kids are terrified of swimming when they start. They scream and beg to get out of the water. But we know that they will be safer when they learn. We also all remember how much fun swimming was as a kid. So, we make them leave their comfort zone and once they learn it is awesome to see the smile on their faces when they can jump in on their own.

Oh, and on Friday he got a special behavior award at school. They don't even have an award for behavior. They just made a special one for him since he was so good that day. So, I must be doing something right!