Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Not to brag, but...

Tonight Connor learned to ride his bike with no training wheels. That's right.. he is still in diapers but no longer has training wheels. 2 years old and no training wheels. I didn't learn how to ride a bike until I was 8 years old ( I did grow up in NYC though). Brandon learned how to ride a 2 wheeler 1 week before he turned 3. So this was important to us for different reasons. It took Brandon about 20 minutes of instruction & that was it! I have never seen such a little bike with out training wheels. Connor was so proud he just kept saying "no training wheels" over and over while he rode. I don't have pics, but I have video & as soon as I figure out how to put it on here I will. He hasn't learned how to take off or stop by himself yet, but I bet it wont be long!!! Yeah Connor!
The little guy has always been physically advanced. I think that might have something to do with why he talked so late. But this one even amazed me. Ok, I will stop bragging now... but admit it.... your impressed.
UPDATE:: Brandon wanted to make sure I told everyone that Connor has been working hard on his bike riding since July when he got his bike. And that this isn't the first time we took his wheels off.