Friday, March 2, 2007

Random thoughts

I hate tornadoes. I think everyone probably does. The thought that something could just pop up & take away everything you love & have worked hard for is very scary to me. I found "tornado safe" rooms that you can install in your home. It makes me feel paranoid, but I guess that's what happens when you become a parent.
Connor had school yesterday & he loves it! He is going to go to a different school in August and I really hope he enjoys it as much. He has finally started liking music time. I have to guess that before he really couldn't hear/understand the songs. Well, now he does all of the dances for me. When I told him that it was music day he said "yeah music day".
Is anyone watching American Idol? Why do the contestants suck so bad this year? Last year I had more than a few favorites, but this year is not so good. I like Blake & Chris on the boys side. Melinda & Lakisha are great singers, but I don't know how marketable they would be as pop stars. Kind of like Reuben. Anyone heard anything from him lately? I could go on about this for a while. Is that sad? Maybe.