Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Egg coloring

For the past 2 years we have colored eggs with BERO (for my new readers that's Brett, Erin, Ryan & Olivia)) and this year was no different. They had a blast coloring the eggs, but the stuff i bought for the decorating part did not work so great so I improvised and grabbed a bunch of glitter glue and well..the pictures really speak for themselves.
This year we moved the project outside....GOOD idea!Yes, we did 4 dozen eggs!!Then the kids wanted to stick their toes in the pool....Then they just flat out asked for bathing suits so they could jump right in! Olivia looked so cute in Hudson's clothes.Ryan must have some pretty thick skin. He dove in and swam around the water and never even shivered!The Woods' boys re-thinking their decision to get in. It was freezing!
After eggs Erin made us all breakfast for dinner and it was YUMMY! Connor even ate bacon!