Wednesday, April 15, 2009

My best friend

This post started out by being about our weekend leading up to Easter and then it took a turn that brought tears to my eyes. And well if something has the ability to make ME cry, then I should go with it! On Friday Erin & I went to dinner to just enjoy some alone time. Olivia hasn't started school yet so we are NEVER in a room alone or even able to have a conversation on the phone without having to stop to take care of a child. Next school year Olivia is in school the opposite days of our boys so I guess lunches are still out. Our hubbies loved the calm, happy, refreshed mood we came home in. And I loved the one on one time to just laugh with my friend. When I moved to FL my best friends were my cousins and I have always had a bunch of friends, but haven't had someone I would call a best friend since High School. I am not the kind of girl who talks on the phone much or is very "girly" in the sense that I have to run things by a bunch of other women. I never imagined meeting someone who I would feel like a kid again with. I always knew who Erin was since we lived in the same neighborhood and I always thought we would get along well, but we didn't have kids the same age and that is usually a good start to a friendship. Then when we found out we were pregnant at the same time it gave us a start to our friendship. I still can't believe that was almost 4 years ago! Besides Brandon, the only person I talk to on a daily basis is Erin. It is nice to have someone who understand my personality quirks and loves me anyways! I really don't know what I would do without her! Boys...when Mommy is driving you crazy go talk to Erin she will always be able to explain your Mommy to you, always have a cookie for you and always love you!