In 12 days I am going to have a hysterectomy. That's right, I'm talking about my "girl parts" right here on our happy family blog. Why? I guess because it is going to happen. I write about everything else that happens to us, why not this. Plus, when I get messages like "why aren't you blogging" or "Wow your blog suddenly sounds cranky" or "Is it just me or are you spending an insane amount of time in bed?", I wanted you to know why. So, instead of sending nice private messages to my loved ones I figured I would just put it out there. However when I publish the blog into a book for the boys to have I will probably leave this page out. OR, maybe I'll leave it in and when their first girlfriends come over I'll leave the book on the coffee table open to this page. That oughta freak her out! But I'm getting off topic. I am actually excited about the surgery. To be done with a portion of my life that has given me problems for so long seems like a dream. The one thing that scares me is the boys. And I mean all 3 of them. WHO is going to cook and clean and do the laundry? WHO???? Brandon has assured me that he can handle it. He has also assured me that he will not handle it the way I would handle it. I will have to give up control and just trust that the boys will be OK. Even if they eat PB & J for dinner. Even if their sheets don't get washed on Tuesday and towels on Thursday (you know I have a laundry schedule). The worst part is I scheduled the surgery to coincide with their first week of school that way they would be out of the house and I could actually rest. I was planning on taking them to school on Monday & then have surgery on Tuesday. Turns out I got the dates wrong and they start school the week after. Soooo I am going to MISS their first day of school. I KNOW! This makes me the worst mother ever. At least it does in my crazy OCD brain. I have been up many nights thinking about the long term effects this will have on them. I can hear them now in the therapist office "She was a good mother, but there was that first day of pre-school in 2009...she didn't even take us! Oh, and let me tell you about a book she had on the coffee table!!". OK, so they probably wont even care. Brandon will be there and lets face it, he is way cooler than me. He will let them run into school, probably pack a way better lunch and not tell them to behave 100 times. Kathy Rogers (Tara's Mom) is taking Thursday and Friday off of work to take care of us. I KNOW! Want to know how to make me cry like a baby?.... tell me you think of me as family and turn your world upside down to take care of my 3 boys and help me through recovery. Yeah, that will do it. That and watching The Notebook. Soooo, my 2nd motive for talking about my girl parts in public is to solicit help. If you are around anytime after my surgery and you have an extra meal (that does not include broccoli) or know how to start a load of sheets (on Tuesday's) then I would appreciate the help more than I can tell you. Who knows you might even see me cry!!