Monday, April 28, 2008

Start Spreading The News.....

OK, I'm not leaving TODAY. But, I did just booked a flight for the 4 of us to NY. We are going to visit my family in October. It will be 3 years since we have visited. OK, so I kinda hate traveling. With kids, I REALLY hate traveling. What can I say. I am a home body. Though, I am super excited to see everyone back home. My cousin Joe has already offered to host a party for us. And he invited us to stay at his home. I had the kids singing New York, New York on our walk this morning. They are so excited to ride in an airplane. I am not quite as excited. I just can't imagine trying to keep Hudson still for 3 hours. I already called Erin in a panic. They travel with their kids a few times a year and I wanted to ask her what kind of drugs she takes before the flight. Apparently she doesn't take any. She's just brave. That & oh yeah she bribes the kids along the way with toys & treats. I can do that.
Oh, and I am a little freaked out that Hudson has NEVER slept anywhere but his own bed. He is going to be too big for a pack & play. Really I have 6 months before the trip so I should stop freaking out. But, that is not in my nature.