Friday, April 25, 2008

Welcome back

I can't believe it's been so long since I blogged. I really haven't made any notes on anything we did, so the last two weeks are basically a wash and we will start over from here.
Oh, we did go to the OC Fair. The boys had a blast. Hudson just reached 36", so he was able to ride most of the rides this year. Olivia was only 35", and it was breaking Erin's heart that she couldn't get on any rides. So, Brandon cut up his cup and we stuffed the styrofoam in her shoes. It worked great. We all would have done just about anything to get her on the rides.
I swear I needed another week off to recoup from the vacation. Though I am already thinking about next year. It's nice for parents to have some time away from the kids to kick back and relax. We are so lucky to have that time. So, I am thinking maybe the Florida Keys. Though another cruise does sound good. I really like that I don't have to plan anything.... food, activity, etc. But, I would really like to go on a cruise with less families this time. Not sure how to make that happen.
The new word(s) in our house is "banana pants". The kids call each other banana pants, they call me banana pants. Today they called the clerk at Fresh Market "banana pants". I have no idea where it came from, but it really is a pretty term.
The other night Brandon went to check on the kids before we went to bed. He ran downstairs and told me to go look at Hudson. When I got upstairs I found him in his bed....naked! Well, he still had his diaper on. But, you could tell he had tried to take it off. The funniest part is that if I tell him to get undresses he tells me that he can't take off his own shirt.
Well, blogger wont let me upload any pics right now, so you will have to wait for tomorrow for new pics... Later!