Saturday, June 6, 2009

After Graduation

After Connor's graduation we really wanted to get out of there as fast a possible. We were really trying to down play the graduation part as Connor will still be in preschool next year. Actually we even skipped the end of year party since there was so much "graduation" focus.
Soooo, after the ceremony Brandon took the boys and grabbed the boat and I grabbed pizza and we all met at the dock.

Connor learned how to drive the boat. Good thing. Maybe he can drive it onto the trailer better than his Momma!!

They LOVED the tube! Connor was mad we wouldn't let him knee board!

This is Brandon pulling the boat around to drive it onto the trailer after my 3rd attempt failed and I jumped off the boat.

This was our first time putting the boat in the water. Brandon did a great job pulling down the ramp. Then, he jumped in the boat and the boys and I went to park the truck & trailer. I was doing a pretty good job until I hit a post and maybe knocked it over (or something like that). That was not quite as big of a mistake as Brandon getting in the boat WITHOUT the keys!! He just drifted around. He jumped out of the boat and tried to hold it steady near the dock with a rope. Well.... it floated over the ropes into the swimming only area. I got him the keys and then we were stuck in the swimming only area! Luckily we kept our cool and got it all figured out and were even laughing about it. We rarely fight so hopefully we can keep this attitude during our boating adventures! Oh, when we went to leave Brandon jumped off and went to get the trailer. He told me to pull the boat onto the trailer. After 3 tries I begged him to do it himself. Guess this is going to take some practice! But, it was worth it for all of the fun we had!