Last week Brandon and I both taught a class at our church's Vacation Bible School. Brandon taught Kindergarten and I had Hudson's 3 year old class. Before VBS started there was a little confusion. The director came up to me months ago and asked me if i would like to volunteer and i said no since I had no interest in putting Hudson in a nursery for 3 1/2 hours. She said great there is a new 3 year old class for him and I think you would be great to teach it. I was nervous, but excited for Hudson to have a chance to go to VBS. So, I said yes. Then during orientation it became very clear to me that they intended for the 3 year olds to be in a nursery and just give me the lesson book. They were not scheduled for music, outside play, chapel or any of the special activities. Well, lets just say that I am not very good at keeping my mouth shut when I feel like someone has done me wrong. I immediately told the directors that I felt like I had been tricked and this is not what I signed up for. When I spoke up and said these kids can handle the activities one of the directors actually said "not all children are like Hudson". To which I replied "I am so tired of people telling kids what they can not handle!". This is the same lady who lets her 3 year old tell her what he feels like which I say.....REALLY? I know it is hard to make our kids step out of their comfort zone, but most of the time it is totally worth it for the new experience they will have. Think about how hard it is to make your kids take swim lessons when they are screaming and crying and begging to get out of the water. But, by the end of the summer they are having a blast swimming with their friends. I kept thinking back to that first day of music class when Hudson fell to the floor in protest. He was punished, made to apologize to the teacher and sent back next week. Eventually he loved music class. I can't imagine what a little brat he would turn out to be if I let him get his way every time. Or, if I let him back out of activities just because he said he didn't want to go. Wow...I have really digressed!
ANYWAY...back to VBS. I knew I was going to have to take it into my own hands to turn this nursery into a class. That's just what I did. I started to make phone calls. I got the music teacher to agree to give up her break time and teach a class for us. I got us permission to go to chapel and playground time. I kept the kids on a strict schedule (kids always thrive on a schedule). I had a great craft teacher and Amelia was my team helper. Together we made sure the kids had a great time and learned some important lessons. Kids are always the most fun to teach about God. They get so excited about the bible stories. Especially when we act them out. They all want a chance to be God!
The last day of class one of the directors came up to me and said that they were going to implement the changes I made and we had proven that 3 year olds can handle a class. Duh! They handle Sunday School just fine. They handle pre-school fine.
By the end of VBS Brandon, Connor, Hudson and I were all beat! I went to bed before 9 on Friday night. What a wonderful week of family, friends, fun & faith!!

This years theme was camping. Brandon and I decorated our rooms really cute. Hudson loved the tent!