Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Halloween 2009

This year for Halloween Connor was a clone trooper and Hudson was a "happy" skeleton. Connor was sick and Hudson was just getting over something so we didn't go with the BERO for the first time in 4 years! We started the night out at Uncle Bruce & Aunt Kathy's house. The rest of the night Brandon pulled the boys in the wagon since they were both not feeling well. As is our tradition we ended the evening at Aunt Judy & Uncle Johns. We came away from their house with gift bags (with new toys) for both boys, a steak for Brandon, a bottle of champagne for me and an apple pie (also for me). The boys got a ton of candy. Since they were both sick I sorted it and put it all away that night. They never asked for it again. Seriously, they each had about 3 pieces and I ate the rest!

With Aunt Kathy

How sick kids trick or treat

Our "take" at the Dalles'

We still bumped into BERO at the Dalles'! Just can't stay away from them on Halloween!Candy!!