Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Scream it from the roof top!

I still have 6 more Christmas posts to write (I'm not even kidding) but I HAD TO interrupt these wonderful holiday theme posts to shout something from the roof tops....ready....
Last night Connor ate .....wait for it......
That's right. You read it right. The Everest of all vegetables for our oldest son. The one that has ruined many a dinner in our home. Mostly because Connor has puked all over the table and really, who can eat after that. The details may bore you, but I have to write them down. It marks the end of The Great Food War and all wars should be well documented that way we can learn from them. So, for any parents to be...take out your note pads. We waited WAY TOO LONG to start Connor on grown up food. Once we did he took to most foods pretty well, but some smells, tastes and textures were just so foreign to him that he puked at a mere taste, touch or even smell. For example he has puked because:
1) Ryan was eating a banana. That's right, Connor was not even eating it. No one was asking Connor to eat it. Ryan was eating it. Connor walked by, smelled the banana & puked.
2) A friend carried a plate of Chicken & broccoli past Connor. He smelled the broccoli and puked all over her kitchen counter top.
3) He stuck his hand in a pumpkin to scoop out the guts and puked all over our last home. (not the reason why we moved)
Over the past couple of years Connor has made leaps and bounds worth of progress in the food department. He tastes everything we ask him to. The only food left that made him puke was broccoli. So, we just stopped eating it. Yes, all of us. Hudson even likes broccoli. But who wants to risk puke all over the table. Plus, he eats all the other veggies we give him, so we let broccoli be the villain. Then the other day I was in the grocery store and had an idea. He loves green beans sauteed in garlic salt & evoo. Why not try broccoli prepared the same way? Soooo, last night I had my chance. I had to feed him early to get him ready for karate and Hudson was asleep, so it was just Connor & I. I set up dinner for the 2 of us and told him we were on a date. He loves that. When I put the plate down I explained that this broccoli would taste a lot like green beans and asked him to trust me. He had a small bite, looked up at me and said "pretty good. Did you hear me, PRETTY GOOD!!! I scooped that child up in my arms and ran around the dining room table screaming in joy. He took the next bite and we completed the same running & screaming process. He took the third bite and said "Mom can you do that again?". I offered him a piece of candy if he ate a pile of broccoli and when I turned around to look it was gone. So to all of you parent soldiers in the food wars I would like to say keep fighting!
CRAP...just as I went to hit the "publish" button I remembered scrambled eggs. Watch out scrambled eggs...you are NEXT!