A couple of weekends ago we had Ryan & Olivia sleepover our house. We figured it would give Brett & Erin an evening alone without having to rush home for the babysitter. Plus, the kids have been asking to have a sleepover for a while. They were great! We had pizza and made popcorn and hung out and played for a while. They all went to sleep with no issue and were in bed by 9pm!! We had to make them go to bed kinda early (for a sleepover) since we had church the next morning. I thought getting 4 kids ready was going to be a challenge, but it was fine. Ryan totally took care of himself. Brandon got Olivia ready except for her hair. OMG that hair!!! There is a reason God didn't give us a daughter! It took us 10 minutes to give that child a messy ponytail. I felt bad about sending her to church like that, but really, I had no choice. This weekend our boys are spending the night over at their house. I think we may have just started something great!
The kids all slept in the boys room. I wonder how old Olivia will have to be before we move her into the guest room?
It was Olivia's first sleepover! She was sooooo happy!