Friday, November 9, 2007

random complaining

This morning I took the boys to run some errands. After filling up the truck with gas ($70 by the way) I went to start the truck & nothing. Luckily I was close to the shop and called Brandon to come rescue us. He brought the jump box to give my battery a jump. Only problem was that the jump box was dead. No problem right? I mean you would think that a mechanic or his wife would surely have some jumper cables in their vehicles. NOPE. So, we had to sit there and wait for Brandon's van to charge the jump box & then hook it up to my truck. Then we drove over to the shop & got Bob (that's my trucks name) a new battery.

Hudson has not figured out the time change yet. He has instead decided to just sleep 1 hour less per night. I am not happy with this. I like my hour in the morning to shower and drink a cup of coffee and maybe even check my e-mail. But, Hudson says no. The past 3 mornings we have showered together since he can not be trusted alone. When Connor is awake he keeps Hudson in check and lets me know when Hudson is getting into trouble.