Saturday, November 17, 2007


Let's just say that maybe I have been asked to leave a place (bar) or two in my younger days. But yesterday takes the cake. After days, actually weeks stuck in the house I had cabin fever. The kids had cabin scarlet fever. They were bouncing off the walls. I decided to take them to the library to return some books. I hate going to the library with my kids. I actually order our library books on line & have them delivered to the house. I know this service is for shut ins, but I believe if you have more than one child you should be allowed to use this service. Since the service is free, I use it. So, we get to the library and things are good. The boys sit down & look at books while I choose some new books to take home. There is a classroom right off of the kids section. I have always thought this was a weird place to put a classroom. Why not put it next to the quiet reading area? Anyway, we get our books together and Hudson starts to go crazy. He is yelling "NO Mommy" over and over. He does not want to leave. He wants to tear all of the books off the shelves as most toddlers like to do. At that moment a woman comes out of the classroom & says "Can you quiet him down or get him out of here?". By the way, the classroom door was open.... I should have said "can you close the door?" I really wanted to say "Why yes, I can quiet him down, but I much prefer him crying and screaming. I really like the attention". What I actually said was "sure" with as much attitude as I could muster up. This witch obviously never had kids as no one could ever love some one so cold hearted. I mean really. He was crying for less than a minute and we were obviously on our way out anyway and how about closing the door?
Today is the 1 year anniversary of my BLOG. I can not believe I have made it this long. Yeah Me!