Monday, January 8, 2007

Time to Play

We have just about completed the play room. I am so happy with the result. Brandon built a huge shelf system for the toys. Now I only need pictures for the opposite wall to make it complete. Since the room has a sports theme I was going to put up pics of sports hero's, but then i thought who better for the boys to look up to than Brandon. I'm sure many of you know that Brandon played soccer for many years and even played for the US national team. Brandon's Mom has some great poster size pics of him playing. She is going to give me those pics for our sports room. I think they will be the perfect finishing touch. Until then, here is the playroom:

I made the curtains out of sheets. and we just purchased that rug you see. It is so cool. It has a town & roads & railroad tracks. The boys love it!

Here is another project I completed recently. We have a huge wall in our staircase & I wanted something "big" to put in it. So, what better than pics of our kids. I took my 2 favorite pics of the boys and had them blown up to 16x20. I think they look great!

This week is filled with Dr.'s appointments for the whole family. We found out today that Brandon will not be having surgery for his sinuses. The Dr. is going to try a drug therapy first. I really hope this works. When he gets a sinus headache he is in so much pain. Connor has pre-op on Wednesday, final check on Thursday with the pediatrician & surgery on Friday. Brandon is already starting to crack about the surgery. He was up half the night worrying about it. Looks like I will need to be the strong one for this. I never thought he would be the mush. I know he will be just fine & hopefully this will put an end to those miserable ear infections. I let everyone know how it went Friday afternoon.