Friday, January 26, 2007

What did you say?

This morning Hudson got up at 6am....that's right 6! He is getting 4 teeth at once & it is really messing with him. So, we cuddled until 7am & then got our day started. I didn't get a chance to take a shower, so once he was down for a nap I went to take a shower. Connor asked if he could get into the shower with me so I said sure. While I washed him he started to name his body part.... hair, arm, belly, legs, butt, nuts.... Wait a minute.. what did you say? That's right people... He said Nuts. I almost fell over. I went to see Brandon for lunch today & asked where he thinks Connor may have learned this & of course it was Brandon. I asked him to please come up with a better word. I can just see Connor in preschool telling the teacher about his nuts.

We went for Connor's post op visit today. He had a hearing test & they also checked the tubes. He passed with flying colors. The Dr. said he looks great. When the Dr. walked in Connor said "Hi Dr. K, I did a great job with my earplugs". It was so cool for him to talk in complete sentences & be understood. Yeah Connor!

Tomorrow Connor & Brandon & a huge group of dads & sons are going to see the monster truck show. I am sure there will be some great stories from that!
We got new cell phones today. Same numbers, but now we have Verizon. So, if you have Verizon please let me know since we can now chat phone to phone for free. I finally got rid of my huge, old Nextel phone. People were starting to laugh!