Wednesday, September 26, 2007

It's official....

I am a soccer Mom. Connor had his first soccer practice last night. One of the boys from school invited him to join the team. So, yesterday we headed out to the soccer shop to buy soccer shoes & soccer socks & shin guards and of course a new ball. I of course forgot my camera. Though I am going to bring the video camera next time. And in a few short weeks we should be $10,000 richer. That is after we win America's funniest home videos. Is that show still on? OK, I am going to tell you a story and you have to promise not to tell Connor until he is at least 16 or so. Here goes... he got off to a great start. We got there early and he ran back and forth with the ball between the goals. He understood what a goal was. The other kids started to show up and he ran up to them. No problems yet. Then each got a turn kicking the ball into the net, they practiced passing, no problems. Then came the 3 on 3 scrimmage. PROBLEM! Well, Connor has never played against anyone. We usually just kick the ball back & forth. Every time the ball got away from him or he wasn't the one in front he started to cry. No, actually he started to wail! His nose ran, he screamed and Brandon and I were at a loss. He is our usually tough as nails kid crying in the middle of the field. The best part was that he never stopped running. He kept right on running after the ball, crying the whole way. If I had captured this on tape I assure you we would be buying a pool courtesy of Connor.

Here are some shots of him after we got home.

I think an airplane flew over when I took this shot. Let's hope that doesn't happen in a game!