Saturday, September 22, 2007

Our week.. the fast version

I have been a blog slacker this week. Nothing all that exciting happened. But I know if i don't write something I will get a message from my aunt with an unhappy face. So here is our week in review:

Monday: Hudson had a check up. Did great as usual. 75-90% for everything. Got 2 shots and cried for a total of 10 seconds.

Tuesday: Connor cried when it was time to go to school. He said he didn't feel good. I let him stay home and then made him run boring errands until he cried and begged to go to school. Turns out some kid in class pushed him the other day and he was scared that it would get him in trouble. I assured him it would not & I talked to the teacher as well. That afternoon I took the boys for their flu shots. Both were pretty brave.

Wednesday: I got my hair done. I am pretty blond again.

Thursday: Dropped Connor off at school and he cried. Brandon went & picked him up at the end of the day and took him to use his allowance money for a new race track with 2 loop de loops. Brandon made a presence in class & with the teacher I'm sure.

Friday: We went to the park and met up with 2 kids from Connor's class. When we first got there all of the ducks from the pond surrounded the car & wouldn't let me out. It was scary. I finally had to move the car. When it was time to feed the ducks they swarmed and all the kids ran screaming. Connor had a great time with his 2 new buddies. I liked the Mom's. That is always a plus!

Allowance: Connor is now getting an allowance. For his $2 per week he must: Put his dish and cup in the sink after meals, put away his laundry, bring in the garbage can and clean up his toys every night. He loves having chores and he is understanding money and what it does. We are teaching him about saving.

Tonight we are headed out for dinner with Paul & Marci at one of the best places in town. Then tomorrow we have Ryan's birthday party. Hudson is already walking around saying "cake, cake".