Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Much Better

Last night was soccer practice number two. It went much better than soccer practice number one. Connor handled the ball well and was the fastest runner. However out of the 11 kids on roster, only 4 showed up. He was doing great in the scrimmage (if you don't count picking up the ball every once in a while) Towards the end he started the crying thing, but not for very long. I think it may also have something to do with hunger / exhaustion setting in.

There is one thing about soccer (any sport really) that I already don't like. But I will just have to get used to it. That is practice is at 5:30. Which means we have to leave before 5pm and don't get home until 7pm. Do I feed the boys at 4 and worry about Connor being able to play on a full stomach or do I wait until 7 and feed him right before bed time? I hate this part! Next year wont be so bad as the soccer field will be 2 minutes away instead of 1/2 hour. Plus I think practice is later. Either way, we are the kind of family who eats dinner together 99% of the time. It feels weird to eat without Brandon home. So, I feed them a snack on the way to practice. Which goes against my new no food in the car rule. (lasted all of 13 days) Then we go out for pizza after practice. We can all eat for $11 and it is about a mile away from the field. Plus they have a salad bar (if the boys ever eat salad).

Today we are headed to the library for story time. Hopefully Hudson will be more cooperative than last time.