Thursday, October 4, 2007


Connor went to school with no crying today and no bribe. Yeah.

Hudson & I headed out in search of new shoes and ended up getting some awesome deals. I got him New Balance sneakers for $7. Not to mention the other 10 things that magically made their way into my cart.

Pops picked up Connor from school and took him out for ice cream and to the park. Connor had a GREAT day at school. He even got to take a prize from the toy bin. Only the kids who have listened all day long get a prize. This was his first one. His weekly report was great as well. I am so proud of the little guy.

FYI, I received 11 more catalogues yesterday and 4 today. How many catalogues are there? I must catalogue shop too much. That might be a good thing to give up for lent next year. No catalogue / Internet shopping. I can see myself now asking Erin and Katina to order me stuff.