Saturday, December 29, 2007

boxing day

This morning Brandon & Connor went to church to take the nativity down & Hudson & I ran out for some errands. We all met up for breakfast. When Brandon got home he took the boys out for a while & I decided to take down the Christmas decorations. I couldn't believe how fast it went. I had it all down by the time they came back. While the boys slept I prepared a batch of beef jerky to bring to Brandon's parents the following day. I make really good beef jerky if I do say so myself!

Oh, I forgot to show off my new shelves that Brandon made for me. I have a small collection of Willow Tree figurines and I wanted to keep them safe from the boys. I found these cool shelves in a catalogue. The cost $120 and were too big. Brandon made them for me for $20, stained them the perfect color and made it the perfect size. I love them!