Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Watch out Wayne Gretzky

Connor has been asking to learn to play hockey for about a year now. We told him that he had to learn to roller blade first. It took him about a year, but he finally got really good at roller blading. He never forgot about hockey. So, we signed him up for the local rinks learn to skate lessons. Brandon took him out on the ice first and he did the typical sliding all over the place. Then the instructor propped him up and he just stood there. Then he just started skating. He got himself up after he fell, he turned around in a circle and he did it all with a HUGE smile on his face. He loved it. One of the instructors got off the ice for a minute and I thanked him for doing so good with Connor and mentioned that it was his first time on skates. He just about fell over. After the lesson another instructor told me that we needed to go buy Connor some skates today because the only thing holding Connor back was the crappy rental skates. So, we went to a place that sells used spots stuff and got him some skates that look barely used for $20. Much better than the $80 in the pro shop. We are so proud of Connor. He tried his best and was really good. That kid amazes me!