Saturday, August 16, 2008

not much going on

Quick post tonight. All 4 of us have been sick this week so not much has gone on. We did have to say goodbye to Damon, Kim, Tucker and Rebekah. I cried so hard knowing it would be a whole year before we got to see them again. I grew up with family around all the time and it just kills me that the kids only cousins are 1000 miles away! Connor is missing Tucker especially. So, between that and being sick it hasn't been the best week here.

Today we took the kids to meet their teachers. Connor has one of his teachers from last year and Hudson has the other one! I am so excited. The other 2 teachers seem very nice too. I think it will be a good year. Plus I will have a whole 8 hours a week to myself. Wow!

I am sure I will have plenty to blog about next week after school starts.