Thursday, October 16, 2008

We girls love our bad boys

On Monday I kept Olivia for a few hours while Erin went to work. Connor had school and it is actually easier to have Hudson and Olivia rather than just Hudson. At least then he has someone to play with other than me. I took them grocery shopping (I know, BRAVE!) I made them use the potty before we left so I was pretty sure things would be just fine. We got a race car cart and they each got a cookie. Olivia had taken a couple of bites out of hers and she dropped it. We went back and got another one. She got full before she finished it and asked Hudson, who had finished his cookie in 3 bites, if he would like the rest of hers. He looked at her the way Brandon looks at me when I tell him I have made homemade risotto for dinner. He took the cookie and said "Olivia, you're the best girlfriend in the whole world". Even the stock boy turned around and made a comment about how cute they were. Later in the day Olivia climbed into the refrigerator part of our play kitchen and Hudson held the door closed until she cried. I guess he just didn't want her to think he was "too nice".