Friday, July 10, 2009

Skateboarding in the house is a BAD idea....

We interrupt your regularly scheduled Fourth of July post to bring you this very special breaking news. Last night the boys were playing with Connor's new skate board. They were in the family room since the ground was wet outside and that would be dangerous. First they brought it in the kitchen and I told them that was dangerous to get off of the tile. Apparently a skateboard is dangerous even on carpet. Next thing we know Hudson lets out a scream. Brandon checks on him and Hudson looks up and his whole face is instantly covered in blood! Why do heads bleed so much? Soooooo off to the hospital we went. I swear we should have named this kid Tough. He cried for about 30 seconds when it happened. Then he didn't cry on the way to the hospital at all. He got upset that his pants and shirt had blood on them and that we forgot his shoes. The hospital was taking longer than we anticipated so our good friend (and neighbor) Krystin came to pick up Connor & I so I could get him to bed. Why do these accidents always happen right before bedtime? Turns out he didn't get stitches. Instead they used some type of crazy glue stuff and stuck his head back together.
I am so happy he got glue instead of stitches. I was worried he would not be able to swim for 10 days. That would have been torture for ALL of us. Plus, Judy is on vacation and you know how we like for her to take our family stitches out!