This week we have had 4 swim lessons, 3 play dates, 2 karate classes and 1 skating/hockey lesson. Add to that going to watch fireworks on Friday night, the Roger's party on Saturday night and going to Brandon's parents Sunday afternoon! Who said summer schedule was easier than the school year? I feel like I have not been able to get ahead of anything around the house since school got out. Luckily the boys have been pretty great. One day last week I could tell we needed a break from each other so I had Amelia come over for 3 hours and that cooled everything down. I have started back up teaching the boys the states & capitals. Connor can easily name 18 states when I point at them. Hopefully by the end of summer he will have them all! He is working on writing and reading 3 or 4 times a week. Hudson has been working on holding a pencil correctly and drawing shapes. They always complain about doing "homework", but when they are done they are so proud to show off their work. We have also been swimming almost every day.
I have not really taken any pics this week, but we have a FULL weekend ahead and I plan to have the camera glued to my hand!
By the end of every day the boys are TIRED!