Thursday, August 23, 2007


Reasons why Connor has woken us up at 2am:

I am in the bathroom, peed on the floor & now I am trapped on my step-stool

I fell out of bed

I'm hungry

I bit my tongue (that was last night)

My all time favorite reason:

I am naked from the waste down standing up & peeing in my bed, I am also still asleep!

So, on most nights I would totally be a team player & help out with the night owl. But, the Dr. gave me ambien so I can sleep when I have a migraine. Wow. I love the stuff. I take it anytime I know I have a big day the next day or have stuff on my mind. Only problem is I can sleep through anything when I take it. Last night Brandon had to deal with the tongue biting incident. I didn't even know about it until I this morning. Ah... Ambien! I should do a commercial. You would see me sleeping peacefully and then they show a shot of Brandon shampooing pee off the carpet & Connor screaming into the baby monitor. Mom's everywhere would rush to get a prescription.
Hudson on the other hand is a rock. He has only woken up once in the middle of the night since he was 10 weeks old. Even when he had that apnea monitor & it would go off in the middle of the night he would sleep through it. He has slept through the smoke alarm & the burglar alarm. When we check on him part of his body is usually hanging out of the crib. We pick him up, move him & he has no idea. I have felt him before & noticed that his diaper was pretty full. I know if I leave him until morning it will leak. So, I have taken off his PJ's changed his diaper & redressed him all while he sleeps. He truly is our rock.