Saturday, July 19, 2008

Our week

Not much to write this week as Connor & Brandon were at Vacation Bible School all week. They had a great time and came away with some good lessons and good friends.

Hudson and I both got pink eye this week and we are finally getting over it. Long week for us.

BERO is in California so Connor & Hudson are a little lost without their buds. OK, well maybe we are too. I just don't know where Brandon is going to take the kids on Monday night.
Update, Connor and Brandon had to sing and sign songs from VBS in church on Sunday. Connor did awesome. I thought he would chicken out, but he stood right up front and did it all. I'm sure Brandon did a good job as well, but i was busy watching Connor. Then we went to hockey and mistakenly he was put in the more advanced class and we just kept our mouths shut and he did awesome! He always rises to a challenge. In Hudson news.... he has used the potty at least 2 times a day for a week now. We still aren't saying anything to him. He just tells us. I just keep thinking how nice it will be to not have to potty train him.