Friday, November 28, 2008

Gobble Gobble

Our church has a fun tradition every year the Sunday before Thanksgiving. Some members dress like Pilgrims and Indians and bring forth food for a feast. We even have Governor Bradford read a speech about the first Thanksgiving. I love this tradition, but this was the first year I actually dressed up.
Do you think Brett & Erin knew when they joined the church that they would have to dress up too?We helped the kids make fun decorations for the table. Hudson's are the ones in the middle. Let's just say that he had less interest and therefor needed more help. In other words, the ones in the middle are mine & Brandon's. Either way, it was fun.It was a small feast for us this year as we just had Brandon's parents over. The part I was most proud about was the turkey soup I made after dinner. It was awesome.