Saturday, November 1, 2008


One of our last stops in NY was at the NeJames. They are a great family who I worked for for many years. They hosted our rehearsal dinner and have always been very special to us. Aunt Shelly had cookie dough ready to go for the boys. She let them shape it however they wanted.
Connor wrote his name with cookie dough.
Hudson ate his weight in raw dough.Later Connor got in trouble and knew right where to sit to get some sympathy!
We had pizza with the Nejames ( a tradition for us!) and that morning we had egg sandwiches from a local deli. Thus concluding our eating tour of the Hudson Valley. Some people go to Italy to eat...we like Poughkeepsie!
Oh and I really do not want to forget a BIG thank you to Chris, Rina and Lily for letting us stay with them once again. We really couldn't imagine it any other way!