Friday, January 18, 2008

The longest week EVER

WARNING.... Gross stuff ahead!
This has been the longest week EVER! If I have not called you back or if I don't even remember that you called please forgive me, but here is why. Here is how our week went.
Monday night / Tuesday morning 1AM - Hudson wakes up, puking. We change sheets (like I hadn't cleaned enough sheets last week!) We put him in our bed. He pukes 3 more times through out the night. I continue my never ending cycle of sheet changes. i finally get smart & put down towels & blankets.
Tuesday morning (after 3 hours of sleep) Brandon calls from work. He is sick, but has to stay to get some stuff done. (He has only stayed home from work 1 day in the 10 years I have know him. That one day he came home from work I thought he was going to die.) He walks in the house looking like a zombie. He eats chicken broth and falls onto the couch shivering. I take the boys out to Publix for cookies & shopping. We pick up prescriptions for the month. The insurance deductible has started over for the year, so the bill comes to almost $600 dollars. Holy Crap! And this is for 2 healthy people. Brandon's asthma inhaler is $250. Good thing we have insurance. Once we meet our deductible everything is covered 100%. We get the prescriptions, some Gatorade, pedialite (cause i know Connor's gonna get it), some ginger ale and other things we don't need. I get the kids ready for bed & somehow make it to bed myself before 8pm. I pray that the boys will sleep through the night and that Connor can hold out until Wednesday because Brandon & I are useless at this point.
My prayers are answered and the boys make it through the night. Brandon wakes up like a new man and all is right with the world. We have a good day. We helps Pops drop off another cop car. It still amazes me how slow traffic gets around a police car. The must think I've got some nerve tailgating him the whole time. We all go to the toy store after dinner to get Connor's $20 toy that Brandon promised him after his stitches came out. Instead he agrees to a $10 toy and one for Hudson too. Transformers for both as that is the new craze in our house.
Then, the 2ND shoe drops! At 9:30 Wednesday evening Connor comes downstairs. He says my belly hurts. What I should have done was get a bucket and stick the kids outside. But instead we put him on our couch and let him watch the biggest loser with us. He must think we watch the most boring TV. 10 minutes later he pukes all over the carpet. I manage to get him into the bathroom where he pukes all over the floor and himself. I leave the huge mess to Brandon. (more on that later) I take Connor into our bathroom & he & I get into the shower. Poor kid is not happy. I get him cleaned up. I cover the couch and floor in towels & we wait. This time, with a bucket! He proceeds to puke a few more times, but hits the bucket every time.
At 11pm we put him into bed with me( on top of a layer of towels), while Brandon sets up camp on the floor next to Connor. About 10 minutes later I let Brandon know that I am not feeling so well and we may as well switch places as I need to be close to the bathroom. At 12:30 I start too. The next 6 or 7 hours is a blur. Poor Connor has my weak stomach. While Hudson was sick for about 6 hours, Brandon 12, Connor and I had it for 24 hours.
Brandon stayed home from work on Thursday morning and let me sleep until about noon ( something I haven't done in about 10 years). He went to work around 12:30. I put the kids down around 1:30 and when they woke up at 3, I called him and he came right home.
OK, now for the more about Brandon cleaning up. I know some of my friendly college students are reading this. If you are dating a guy who wont clean up puke, dump him NOW. When you have kids it is priceless to have a man who says "go honey, I'll clean this up". That is worth more than any diamond ring in the world. I have no idea how I would have gotten through this week without Brandon.
So, now it is Friday and all is right with the world again. For now.....